How To Send National Award Nominations
1. To nominate an individual for a National Award please send a 750 word biography about the nominee written in a form which could be used in the magazine
2. A photo quality head shot of the nominee following the Photo Quality information above.
3. Nomination Deadline: April 1. The article and photos can be e-mailed to: cody@wrestlingusa.com
Nominations can be sent for the following:
Master of Wrestling Coach of-the-Year Manager of-the-Year State Person of-the-Year
Man of-the-Year Assistant Coach of-the-Year Photographer of-the-Year State Editor of-the-Year
Official of-the-Year Coach’s Wife of-the-Year Sportswriter of-the-Year Publication of-the-Year
How To Send Articles and Photos To Us
If you want your article to be considered for publishing in
Wrestling USA Magazine. Along with your article you must send
a head shot photo of yourself and other photos pertaining to the article.
Photo Quality:
1. Scanned or digital photo must be 300 dpi resolution or higher to insure good quality for print.
2. Format as a jpeg or tiff.
3. Or a printed photo of good quality.
4. Schedule in box can be followed if you want your article to be in a specific issue.
The article and photos can be e-mailed to: cody@wrestlingusa.com
How To Send information About Your State
If you want to help your state wrestling programs to be recognized fill out the Nomination and Results pdf Forms on the left side of this page.